Stroke Input
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Creator:  Kazumichi Sunabe
Date:  9. March 2009, 06:33

SD_stroke font
SD_stroke font(latin, win_only) consist of all simple open paths.
Selection, movement, rotation, scaling, the thickness of the path and color setting will be done every path of the character (the number of strokes) also you can arrange a figure and substitute along a path, so the countless character decorative design is possible. sdstroke_input_L.js explained in the next is needed to use Stroke Font.
SDstroke-latin.otf(latin, win_only : download 24KB)

Program for input Stroke Font. It's possible to put character paths in the favorite location of the document. You're able to make the path segments dispersive at anchor points and reverse. It's possible to select in the length (6 partitions) by Length button and that vertical, horizontal paths, the others (3 partitions) by ver-hor Line button.

SD_Brush folder
The other brushes of AI files which are being used by script demonstrations, 22 kinds of collection of art brushes, spraying brushes, pattern brushes and flat. Drags it in a brush folder of Illustrator application.

http://dp48069596.lolipop.jpsd/sd/sd_stroke/ folder : download 2.3MB)

5 minutes, you can, Typographic Arts
How_To_Use Videos of demonstrations for UI(sdstroke_input_L.js) is maked newly, Look at sdstroke_input_L-1.wmv.

Enjoy sd_strokefont title arts !

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08.08.14, 15:24
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