Date:  17. June 2006

Scriptographer was used to produce a limited edition of posters for the Swiss artist Philippe Decrauzat.
The effect is inspired by the 3D type on the «Faust» record sleve «The faust Tapes» from 1973.
Programming and design by Jürg Lehni. Due to the Philippe Decrauzat's decision, the script is not going to be shared here.

Date:  28. June 2006, 18:41

Oh wonderful!!

How is it done? Is there a script available for this effect?

Re: Script
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  28. June 2006, 18:49

No, the script is currently not available.

The development was comissioned by Philippe Decrauzat, and until he has not finished exploring it in his work, it will not be made available freely.

Re: Script
From:  Paul Clay
Date:  30. June 2006, 14:37

Well, I hope he hurries up and stops using it becasue I'd like to use it on my wedding invitations.

Re: Script
From:  Mikhail Kovalev
Date:  9. July 2006, 02:33

It could be done, but I do not imideatly see how he acheived those gradual transitions. I think the letters which are bitmap are blurred out in some way, then the levels of gray are translated to curve heights, unless he uses some more complex algorithms which averages out the curve over distance...

Re: Script
From:  foeb
Date:  28. July 2006, 12:17

Wo! what a beautifull and esthetic effetc!
I am impatient to have it in my soft if it will possible =)
congratulations !

Re: Script
From:  Jorge
Date:  30. August 2006, 21:05

I´m still learning about script language, but I use 3D softwares and I think we can create this effect in a vector way. Maybe if we create a curved path for a bevel.
It´s a really nice effect.

Re: Script
From:  su
Date:  15. September 2006, 20:06

Don’t think this is based on bitmaps. Could be done with vectors. And would be more versatile.

Re: Script
From:  AnD
Date:  17. September 2006, 23:03

GRAit visual!
ook like the video "Electronic Performers" of Air...
good work

Date:  4. October 2006, 15:35

Very nice. what script was used to create this?

Re: Script
From:  AT
Date:  24. October 2006, 16:14

No problem doing it in 3D software...
The art is doing it in SG;o)

I would not mind seeing some Tutorials... I’m lost... and I don’t know how to begin. The tool is fantastic, but I would like to learn the scripting...