Please note that Scriptographer currently still is beta software. By downloading it from this page, you agree to these terms:
The Scriptographer software is provided to you "as is", and we make no express or implied warranties whatsoever with respect to its functionality, operability, or use, including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or infringement. We expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages, including, without limitation, lost revenues, lost profits, losses resulting from business interruption or loss of data, regardless of the form of action or legal theory under which the liability may be asserted, even if advised of the possibility or likelihood of such damages.
After downloading, please read the installation instructions.
Scriptographer Version 2.9
In version 2.9 we switched to a top-down coordinate system and degrees for angle units. For activating backward compatibility in scripts written for previous read more about the transition here.
Users of 64 bit Windows please note that a 32 bit Java Runtime Environment is still required, as Adobe Illustrator is 32 bit only.
Macintosh users please note that versions CS2 and below do not work for Intel machines, as Rosetta cannot run Java inside emulated applications.
If you installed Scriptographer previously and have modified scripts inside the Scriptographer folder, please make sure to backup these scripts before replacing it with the new Scriptographer folder.

Release Date: 11. November 2017
Macintosh (2.2 MB)
Windows (2.35 MB)

Release Date: 11. November 2017
Macintosh (2.2 MB)
Windows (2.35 MB)

Release Date: 11. November 2017
Macintosh (2.19 MB)
Windows (2.35 MB)

Release Date: 11. November 2017
Macintosh (2.18 MB)
Windows (2.36 MB)

Release Date: 11. November 2017
Macintosh (2.18 MB)
Windows (2.36 MB)
Scriptographer Version 2.0
The version prior to the API overhaul, needed for the original versions of most scripts (marked with '-previous' in their name). Macintosh users please note that only the CS3 versions works for Intel machines, as Rosetta cannot run Java inside emulated applications.

Release Date: 16. August 2007
Macintosh (2.13 MB)
Windows (1.85 MB)

Release Date: 16. August 2007
Macintosh (1.78 MB)
Windows (1.85 MB)

Release Date: 16. August 2007
Macintosh (1.78 MB)
Windows (1.83 MB)
Old, Unsupported Versions
Incompatible to version 2.0 and unsupported)

Release Date: 21. August 2004
Macintosh (332.65 KB)
Windows (376.07 KB)

Release Date: 15. April 2003
Macintosh (337.87 KB)
Windows (381.29 KB)

Release Date: 13. February 2002
Macintosh (297.75 KB)
Windows (352.9 KB)