change shortcut key for scrip...
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change shortcut key for scriptogtapher interactive tool
From:  ken frederick
Date:  22. February 2010, 09:12

i think this is a new feature with the most recent 2.6 release. by pressing COMMAND+~ the scriptographer interactive tool (pencil) is activated. this interferes with the native illustrator command to switch between different opened illustrator documents.

i looked under the Edit > Change Keyboard Shortcuts menu in illustrator and it's not listed there.

would it be possible to change this? make an editable preference?

any help would be great.


Re: change shortcut key for scriptogtapher interactive tool
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  22. February 2010, 14:59

I was not aware that this shortcut was in use. Your observation is right, we are indeed overriding it outside of the AI preferences.

If you want to reactivate it again until a fix in the next release, you can edit the core JS script yourself:

Just open Scriptographer/Core/JavaScript/gui/main.js and change the lie 454 onwards to:

//	global.onKeyDown = function(event) {
//		if (event.character == '`') {
//			tool.selected = true;
//			return true;
//		}
//	}
Re: change shortcut key for scriptogtapher interactive tool
From:  ken frederick
Date:  22. February 2010, 23:13


perfect! thanks so much for the help.


Re: change shortcut key for scriptogtapher interactive tool
From:  Drexy
Date:  1. March 2010, 13:27

Thanks also

08.08.14, 15:24
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