Need help with rasters!
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Need help with rasters!
From:  nick
Date:  29. May 2007, 08:42

I installed the Scriptographer with me in illustrator the cs2. Now I wanted to apply a raster effect to a picture. I opened a picture and a circle drew. then I went on color rasters and to have play button pressed. but it does not pass anything. what wrong did I make? thanks!
nick from Germany

Re: Need help with rasters!
From:  Lena
Date:  11. June 2007, 16:32

hello nick
had the same problem...
but it worked out at the end....
i just deleated two lines in the script:

line 46: var white = new Grayscale(0);
line 51: if (!white.equals(col)) {
also line 53: }

for shure there is a better way to do..
lena from germany

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