AreaText problem
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AreaText problem
From:  aa-nn-dd
Date:  22. April 2008, 19:20

Hiho all --

I just installed version 2.0.025 for CS mac and there's an odd bug with AreaText. It spits back the following:

Java constructor for "" with arguments "" not found. (/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS/Plug-ins.localized/Scriptographer/scripts/GLAD/glad3_latestcs.js#228)

var npath = new Rectangle(posx, boxposy , boxsize, tboxheight);
var tpath = new Path(npath);
var text = new AreaText(tpath); // create the PointText item
text.content = ad_text;
text.characterStyle = textStyle;

Re: AreaText problem
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  23. April 2008, 11:32

Both bits of code will not work. Setting bounds on an item will work in the upcoming release, but that won't produce a rectangular path. It will just change the bounds of what is already in the path. And in the above example, that would be nothing. You can create a rectangular path this way though:

var path = document.createRectangle(trect);

And in the upcoming release, this will be wrapped in:

var path = new Path.Rectangle(trect);
Re: AreaText problem
From:  arron lee
Date:  17. January 2016, 11:00

Hi, aa-nn-dd.
Thanks for sharing your problem. As for me, I have seldom tried to deal with that kind of problem before. Have you ever worked it out? I wonder whether you have any exprience about pdf extracting process. Because there is something wrong with my pdf reader. I need convert pdf to text or other formats. Any suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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