Can anyone help! please!
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Can anyone help! please!
From:  Ron
Date:  27. March 2008, 00:44

I stated before that the Scriptographer killed my illustrator can anyone know how to get this programme back again? would really be helpful to me need help not waving drowning people help.

Here is the crash report if that helps!

08.08.14, 15:24
15.05.14, 14:23
02.03.14, 19:16
18.11.13, 14:48
22.03.13, 03:05
22.02.13, 15:45
10.01.17, 16:37
19.02.16, 06:03
19.02.16, 06:00
17.01.16, 11:00
12.01.16, 13:10
25.11.15, 08:19
Script of the Moment
Growth2 and its partner 03.08.12