Double accent mark on Spanish...
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Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Zed
Date:  27. March 2010, 21:44

Hello, first and foremost congrats for the new versions and scripts everyone, great job!

I'm having a problem with the latest version, 2.7.040, win7 64bits, CS4.

In my Spanish keyboard, when I want to write an accented word such as "fantástico", the outcome is "fant´´astico". That is, Illustrator is doubling my accent mark keystrokes.

I know it's due to Scriptographer, since removing its directory temporarily fixes the problem. This didn't happen with v2.5.030. I can't find any intermediate version like 2.6 in the site (are old versions hidden somewhere?) so I can't say if this is the first version to cause that.

At first I thought it was a virus, since there actually exists a trojan/keylogger which causes the same bizarre behaviour, double accent marks (!)... but this only happens in illustrator and as I said, removing the Scripto dir temporarily fixes the issue.

Anyone has the same problem or know of a workaround?

Many thanks in advance!

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Zed
Date:  9. November 2010, 12:40

Mr. Lehni, I think you'll hate me for this, but the accented troubles strike back :)

This may have been present ever since I experienced the double accent thing but didn't notice it.

I'm having trouble now with accented capital words (vowels at least, we don't accent consonants in Spanish, don't know about other languages). For instance, writing an "Á" will return a simple "A". Tried writing it in notepad, copypaste it and it works, so it's not a matter of a typography lacking the character.

I can confirm it's because of sg, as temporarily removing it makes the problem go away.

Windows 7 64bit, Illustrator 15.1, Java 1.6.0_21, sg v2.9.065

Sorry! :)

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Zed
Date:  16. November 2010, 18:42

bump! :)

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  22. November 2010, 20:16

Hi Zed,

Thank you for reporting this. I will look into this next time I am dedicating time to Scriptographer development. Right now many other projects are consuming my time. Stay tuned!

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Zed
Date:  29. November 2010, 18:56

Ok, thanks Jürg!

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  3. December 2010, 18:27

This should be fixed now in 2.9.070. Please test and report back!

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Zed
Date:  12. December 2010, 15:31

Jürg, sorry for not reporting before, crazy busy weeks lately...

Just tested version 2.9.071, working just fine! Great job, thanks!

I'll be watching for other weird character bugs :)

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  12. December 2010, 15:53

Thanks for reporting back, Zed! And good job on the hunting down of such odd bugs. Hopefully this will be it for a while now though ;)

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Zed
Date:  9. March 2011, 16:59

Here we go again! It's been a while already, missed me, Jürg? :)

This time it's easier to explain: I just can't type in the euro character, €. Temporarily removed Sg dir, problem disappears.

Specs as last time: Win7 64bits, AICS5, Sg 2.9.071

Well, there you go. Sorry! hehe.

Re: Double accent mark on Spanish keyboard
From:  Zed
Date:  17. March 2011, 17:43

bumping the thread... :)

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