Illustrator CS2 crashing
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Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Josh
Date:  23. July 2006, 21:03

I installed the CS2 Mac version per instructions but I can't get Illustrator to open without crashing. It gets to the menu and tools but then quits. I've tried putting the Scriptographer folder in the plug-ins/extensions and that has worked no differently.

Maybe this is a problem with 10.4.7? Or, the fact that I'm running it on a G5?

Any suggestions? Have others had this same problem?

Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  23. July 2006, 21:32

I think this problem appears only on multi-processor systems. Quite a few people have reported crashes on OS X, and they all were on multi-processor macs.

As I only have a single processor PowerBook here, it is currently not possible for me to debug the problem. I will need to get my hands on a multi-processor machine and install XCode on it in order to find out more. Unfortunatelly, until then people will have to do the opposite to get Scriptographer working...

Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Josh
Date:  23. July 2006, 21:36

I just tried this on my PowerBook G4 and am having the same issue (though it seems to stay open almost until I can go to "New" from the file menu... but this is probably because it loads much more slowly). Are others running under 10.4.7 and CS2 12.0.1 successfully?

(fyi, I tried to download the CS1 version and got a bad disk image: could not validate and wouldn't mount)


Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  24. July 2006, 19:42

I uploaded that DMG again. Could you please download and try again on CS?

Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Josh
Date:  25. July 2006, 03:55

The new image downloads correctly and works fine in Illustrator CS (11.0.0). Thanks very much! Any ideas as to what's up with the CS2 version on 10.4.7?

Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  25. July 2006, 09:30

CS2 (12.0.,1) runs fine on 10.4.7 here, so at the moment I cannot say what's wrong on your system. I hope to get my hands on a system where this happens soon, so I can debug.

Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Josh
Date:  25. July 2006, 10:34

Thanks for your prompt work on all of this. Really amazing stuff. Could it just a corrupted file, somehow? Maybe a rebuild/reupload of the CS2 mac version dmg?


Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Josh
Date:  25. July 2006, 19:19

Removing APE (pretty sure I didn't have it installed to start with) didn't seem to help. Searched my crash logs and found this in the Java crash log. Maybe it'll help?

# An unexpected Java error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_06-64 mixed mode)
# Bus Error (0xa) at pc=0x03ca26dc, pid=306, tid=68560384

Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  josh distler
Date:  26. July 2006, 19:27

Man, I really want to get this running on CS2 for a project. Any ideas anyone?

Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  26. July 2006, 19:35

It currently looks like it crashes on G5s. I haven't heard from a G5 where it would run... As I do not have one myself, it's difficult for me to find the problem.

Re: Illustrator CS2 crashing
From:  josh distler
Date:  27. July 2006, 19:08

Just a quick update, in case it helps: I now have the CS version working on my G5 (previously only the G4 laptop) but the CS2 version still doesn't want to let CS2 run without crashing.

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