Installation Problem
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Installation Problem
From:  christoph
Date:  23. June 2006, 15:43

while starting illustrator two msg boxes appear:

  • -------



cannot create scriptographerengine

  • -------

moving the sg folder to extensions dont work.


Re: Installation Problem
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  26. June 2006, 22:54

Does your sg folder contain the file java/lib/js.jar? If this file is missing or damaged, the above error message would make sense...

BTW: I moved your post to the Help forum as it does not belong to Bugs.

Re: Installation Problem
From:  christoph
Date:  27. June 2006, 15:13

yes, js.jar is there and ok(?).

for me it looks like a "path" problem.

illustrator and java(newest) are de- and reinstalled.
i will check the illu start with filemon.

Re: Installation Problem
From:  christoph
Date:  27. June 2006, 16:06

hi juerg

filemon tells me that illu is looking for:
D:\Programme\Adobe\Illustrator CS\Zusatzmodule\Scriptographer\JAVA\Classes
so i renamed js.jar to classes(without ext)and put it one dir up(from sg\java\lib),
and it works.

hört sich komisch an, is aber so

Re: Installation Problem
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  27. June 2006, 17:13

That's weird. The classes folder can be created to put uncompressed java classes into it, to be loaded by Scriptographer. Scriptographer puts it to the classpath, together with anything it finds inside the lib folder. It's weird that this does not work on your system.

Your workaround is an interesting one, but it is not recommended to do this.

What kind of Java Virtual Machine are you using (vendor / version)?

Re: Installation Problem
From:  christoph
Date:  27. June 2006, 18:59

jre1.5.0_07 from sun

>It's weird that this does not work on your system.
maybe this is a problem of my w2k installation.

Re: Installation Problem
From:  christoph
Date:  28. June 2006, 13:00

>but it is not recommended to do this.
i have made a folder (classes) with the uncompressed js classes inside.
is this better?

Re: Installation Problem
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  28. June 2006, 23:28

Yes, that's better, for the time being. A jar file without an extension is pretty non-standard. It's interesting that your JRE can still read it even. But I hope I find the source of your problem soon.

Re: Installation Problem
From:  vikc
Date:  14. July 2006, 19:54

I got a similar error as Christoph's, with the msg box said

  • ----------------

com.scriptographer.loader.Loader.loadClass(Lo [.... the msg clipped]

  • ----------------


  • ----------------

Cannot create ScriptographerEngine

  • ----------------

tried Christoph's way but no luck.

I'am using Illustrator CS2 on a winxp sp2, latest jre(build 1.5.0_07-b03) from sun

any suggest? thanks :-)

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