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Scriptographer with illustrator cs2 on mac intel
From:  Hervé
Date:  26. July 2007, 15:38

I can't install scriptographer on my mac (intel).
I used illustrator cs2.
Somebody can help me please ?

Re: Scriptographer with illustrator cs2 on mac intel
From:  kotuko
Date:  27. July 2007, 04:44

i just installed this on my mac intel, but i use cs3, it works well )
make sure you installed cs2 version )

Re: Scriptographer with illustrator cs2 on mac intel
From:  Hervé
Date:  27. July 2007, 15:11

I installed on cs3, it works too. But not on cs2...

Re: Scriptographer with illustrator cs2 on mac intel
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  30. July 2007, 16:46

Unfortunately, Scriptographer only works for CS3 on Intel Macs. This is from the download page:

Macintosh users please note that only the CS3 version works for Intel machines, as Rosetta cannot run Java inside emulated applications.
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