still doesn't work on CS3
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still doesn't work on CS3
From:  jad
Date:  25. August 2007, 10:16

Hi Lehni,
so exciting about this tool but it doesn't work.
I try to run scriptographer on my powerbook with the illusCS3, download the last version this morning, install everything, run illus and try the raster effect.
the tools works well, but all the raster effect doesn't.
Nothing happen, even the little window where I can choose the dimension doesn't appear. After I can find a file in the java folder called error.log, maybe there is a link.
I'm on a 10.4.10 version of macOSX, and I don't know about the java version.
thanks for your answer.

Re: still doesn't work on CS3
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  26. August 2007, 15:37

Hi Jad,

What is the content of the error.log file?
And are you sure you select both a raster image and a graphical object to be used as a raster cell?

Re: still doesn't work on CS3
From:  Jad
Date:  27. August 2007, 10:23

Hi Lehni,

first thanks to answer to a so bad user. You will be a patient person.
the error log file in the java folder contents this only sentence /
===== Le fichier d'historique est vide =====

I think it can't help you so much.

When I try to use the raster effect,
first I import a picture, I create next a vector item like a circle or a line, I selected the both, select the raster effect and then press the play button.
But still nothing happen. I think I follow the right process.
thanks again.

PS/ If you speak french maybe we can discuss in french next time.

Re: still doesn't work on CS3
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  27. August 2007, 13:37

Hi Jad,

Yes, I do speak french, but I am much faster writing english.

Make sure that the imported image is embedded, not linked. And maybe send a file containing an image and a vector shape to sg AT scriptographer DOT com, so I can have a look what could be wrong?


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Script of the Moment
objects on paths (scatter brush) 29.07.12