Syntax Errors with some scrip...
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Syntax Errors with some scripts/tools
From:  Jason
Date:  29. November 2008, 23:58

I am using Illustrator CS2 and when i tried to run both the Ribbon tool and the fadenGraydi script I end up getting this message in the scriptographer console window:

syntax error (/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS2/Plug-ins.localized/Scriptographer/scripts/scripts/fadenGraydiExplosionPack4000.js#1)

Can anyone help me? Is CS incompatible with these two scripts?

Re: Syntax Errors with some scripts/tools
From:  Jason
Date:  30. November 2008, 06:34


I figured it out.

Re: Syntax Errors with some scripts/tools
From:  Pia Malmstrom
Date:  4. December 2008, 21:02


May I ask you how you figured it out?
I get the same problem with some scripts that I downloaded from this site. The scripts already included in the plugin works fine, but when I try to add the ones that I downloaded, I only get a syntax error. I have a pc and Illustrator CS3...don't know if it makes any difference?


Re: Syntax Errors with some scripts/tools
Date:  5. December 2008, 13:50

Its probably because you downloaded the scripts using the left mousebutton + save to location. Instead, you should click the download link, after which you need to agree to a license agreement first before saving.

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