To Print ?
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To Print ?
From:  luis
Date:  5. March 2007, 12:11

I cannot print any script design. Any one can help me please?

Re: To Print ?
From:  ben
Date:  5. March 2007, 16:08


ctrl Y to check ?

if you dont see something try to force bitmap highres on print mode ?
or try to export pdf and print from reader (acrobat)

Re: To Print ?
From:  luis
Date:  12. March 2007, 15:59

Hola & thaks for you replays,

I Have try both suggestions befoer my post and nothing seems to change.

I can not print becouse there is nothing to print -says the printer module- yet my document does have a drawing on it.

Exporting to eps, or pdf (or printing to pdf in Acrobat Pro) dosen´t work.

The only thing I want to do is print a drawing made in Adobe AI whit the Scriptographer module [cube.js]

What else can I do?

Thanks guys

Re: To Print ?
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  12. March 2007, 16:19

That's very weird. Could you send me a test file so I can look into it? sg AT scriptographer DOT com. Thanks!

Re: To Print ?
From:  luis
Date:  15. March 2007, 10:05

Hola Guys,

Problem fixed.

As usually it was simple but I count´t see it. The visibility of the layers was inactivated.
That´s all folks!
Thanks very much to your all.


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