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Its very important that I use colorizer in illustrator CC!!!
From:  samdeman22
Date:  8. January 2014, 17:31

I'm on limited time to finish something for school (30 days, if you know what I mean ;) ) and I need the colorizer to colour in polygons!

Couldn't someone just maintain this while you are done with it? I understand that you are moving on to bigger and better things, but this is really annoying not having some form of backwards compatibility for scripts.
if not, is there a way to make the colorizer script to work on its own? (its all I need)
otherwise, is there an alternative to the colorizer?

as a last resort, do you think it would be relatively easy process to make my own colorizer script? If its the only thing I need im sure a very poorly robust program would suffice for what I need.

Don't leave us sitting here to wonder, please!

Re: Its very important that I use colorizer in illustrator CC!!!
From:  pqbd
Date:  8. January 2014, 19:20

You can port the script quite easily to paper.js and import your vector shapes via paperScope.project.importSVG( ). There's not much to the script - just run through your desired an array of pathItems and set:
pathItems[n].fillColor = raster.getAverageColor(pathItems[n]);

If you run your script from the Sketch Book (, there's even a handy button to download the output as SVG.

If you'd prefer to work with a desktop client, Inkscape has an active scripting community and has this functionality working in its "Tiled Clones" feature.

I don't believe anyone is going to create a CC compatible plugin within 30 days. If you'd like to take a shot at it, the source code is available on github:

Re: Its very important that I use colorizer in illustrator CC!!!
From:  samdeman22
Date:  8. January 2014, 19:48

this looks promising. Could you show me how you would code it? so I gather that this is a html file with some scripts loaded in. Is this sort of it?

EDIT: well, it turns out the code doesn't format to anything readable, i'll put It on gitHub

Re: Its very important that I use colorizer in illustrator CC!!!
From:  samdeman22
Date:  8. January 2014, 20:25

Hers a link to the github:

Re: Its very important that I use colorizer in illustrator CC!!!
From:  pqbd
Date:  8. January 2014, 20:39

No, isn't this for school? Check out instead. All the pieces are there.

Re: Its very important that I use colorizer in illustrator CC!!!
From:  samdeman22
Date:  8. January 2014, 21:21

It is, but not for the coding or scripting etc, my art project is in graphics design, and I see the colorizer the only way fit to achieve the desired effect. Those tutorial scripts don't exactly clear things up, they just sort of throw the code at you, for me anyway. It might be perfectly straight forward for the avid scripter.

I could probably take this, and my noob questions to stack overflow, and stop bothering you if you want?

thank you for telling me about paperscript anyway.

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