Image Rasters
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A demonstration of some of the image rasters that are contained in the Scriptographer package.

Object Raster.
From:  Craig
Date:  21. September 2006, 12:43

Hi. Been looking through EYE and came across this very handy tool. I have only just started using this and ould like to know more. Please could you give me a little heads up on how to use the Raster tools. The other seem to work fine except this?

Thanks in advance if you can help!


Re: Object Raster.
From:  Simon King
Date:  22. September 2006, 22:22


I just started using this as well but I think I figured out the problem you're having. If I'm correct the image must be embedded, not linked. This can be changed using the "Links" palette in Illustrator. Before the change the script did nothing for me, after the embedding it ran just like in this screencast.

Re: Object Raster.
Date:  25. September 2006, 10:59

This was my experience too. Only works on embedded images, not linked ones.

Also, be careful playing around, as these scripts seem to generate an object for every pixel in the source bitmap. Experiment on thumbnails, not megapixel images!

Re: Object Raster.
From:  Logan
Date:  25. November 2006, 23:31

I have played around with all scripts except the raster ones, which I haven't been able to operate. The actual use of any raster script has eluded me. Do I select one vector object along with one raster image and then start the script? (apparently not, as that yields no action) Can anyone explain the bare minimum of how to use this tool? Thank you so much.

Re: Object Raster.
From:  Prison Break
Date:  25. December 2006, 18:36

good tutorial ... thanks ...

Re: Object Raster.
From:  van_der_bart
Date:  12. May 2007, 01:58

I have problem with rasters, some times is works some times not, or sometimes stops on half.
I have mac and CS3

Re: Object Raster.
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  12. May 2007, 15:29

Could you please post this in the forum under a new topic, with more information about the image pixel dimensions, error messages, etc? You might also just add to one of the existing threads. I propose this one here.

Re: Object Raster.
From:  pempem
Date:  12. October 2007, 14:40


I have embedded the picture and tried on several formats (jpg,tiff,psd) but still all the rasters don't work. Still with several close looks at the tutorial it does not work on my

illustrator CS2 Vers. 12.0.1

i'd love to use it, as i was very happy to have found exactely what i was looking for for my purpose.

Is there any chance? Thank you very much in advance

Re: Object Raster.
From:  Pedro Elias
Date:  4. June 2008, 20:35

Exelente, congratulattions!

Re: Object Raster.
From:  Doeke
Date:  4. February 2009, 14:54

Nothing works for me, arg

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