Scriptographer is alive, CS4...
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Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  30. November 2008, 13:44

Since this question was raised twice on the forum now, here a post to inform everyone that things are moving on. CS4 support is on its way. The last release of Scriptographer is a long while back, and a bit buggy in many ways. In the meantime many of these bugs were fixed and many features added. We also changed the API in parts and therefore broke backward compatibility with existing scripts. The scripts will be easy enough to update, and the syntax got easier in many places.

It all ended up becoming a far longer transition than initially planed. The challenge now is to wrap this unfinished transition up a bit for a CS4 release soon, then finish the pending changes, and not mess everything up.

A preview version will be offered along with the current version, for backward compatibility until the transition to the new API is over.

Stay tuned and help out where you can.

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  19. June 2009, 10:28

You are welcome.

It's not the easiest of tasks to keep a thing like this alive while working on many other endeavours in different realms at the same time.

But once the move to the new version 2.5 with many API changes is over, SG can go back to more frequent and incremental releases, as planned since the start.

We think the new version is well worth the wait, since it will offer many nice new features that we are going to write about soon. I am saying we since the other news is that the core team is growing a bit. But more about all that soon.

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
Date:  13. July 2009, 12:39

Really appreciate your effort and am willing to buy this plugin. I love it.
But I am having problems with it. CS4 on a Mac quits all the time, which is very annoying. I haven't been using Scriptographer for a while because of this and am really really anxious for the next release.
Than you so much in advance.

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
Date:  16. July 2009, 03:48

when the update coming? This is getting boooooooring...

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  ~Zenimaru~
Date:  16. July 2009, 11:53

I would like to warn people with intel Macs running Mac OSX Leopard with CS4 not to use the CS3 version of Scriptographer. It bugs and crashes your entire Illustrator CS4.

Wait for the CS4 version, really...

BTW Scriptographer is one heck of a program!
Keep up the good work!

And thank you so much.

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  24. July 2009, 20:33

Just so you all know in case you subscribed to this thread through notification: The new version 2.5 with CS4 support is out since two days, and we believe it's the most bug-free version ever, so hopefully was worth the wait. ;)

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  10torsion
Date:  25. July 2009, 13:18

greaaaat big thanks from france

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