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Creator:  mac daddy
Date:  22. March 2013, 03:05

Randomly moves selected objects. This script also has the option to randomly rotate objects. The option to move and rotate selected items are performed in such a way, so that individual amounts can be specified (within a range) and the percent of the items affected can also be modified. X and Y values, positive and negative values, and rotation orientation can be specified.

Re: Jitter
Date:  20. July 2015, 10:24

Ce poste m'a aidé pour un article que je vous écris. Je vous remercie de me donner un autre point de vue sur ce sujet. Maintenant, je peux facilement compléter mon article. Santé

08.08.14, 15:24
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18.11.13, 14:48
22.03.13, 03:05
22.02.13, 15:45
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19.02.16, 06:03
19.02.16, 06:00
17.01.16, 11:00
12.01.16, 13:10
25.11.15, 08:19