wallblazer2.0.js is a script for scriptographer 2.0. it draws paths from the mousepoint to a location which is relative to the documents zeropoint, using the distance from that zeropoint to the current mousepoint. the script can be used either as a drawing tool or it can be applied to an existing object. read the scripthelp in the wallblazer dialog for further information.
From: Klaas Wurtmann
Date: 12. September 2007, 14:22
The choice of Java constructor setSize matching JavaScript argument types (com.scriptographer.ai.Point) is ambiguous; candidate constructors are:
void setSize(com.scriptographer.adm.Size)
void setSize(com.scriptographer.adm.Point) (/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS3/Plug-ins.localized/Scriptographer/scripts/scripts/wallblazer2.0.js#50)