Accessing the document Graphi...
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Accessing the document Graphic styles
From:  Rarro
Date:  26. December 2010, 18:05


I'm trying to access the document Graphic Styles, but i cannot find info
in the SG AI reference - but in Illustrator CS4 script reference it says:

graphicStyles GraphicStyles Read-only. The graphic styles defined in this
document. (app.activeDocument.graphicStyles)
<- still i cannot access the array with scriptographer using:

var styles = document.graphicStyles;

thanks in advance for anyone with info on this

Re: Accessing the document Graphic styles
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  27. December 2010, 21:59

Adobe's ExtendScript and Scriptographer are two different animals, so whatever you find in their documentation won't work here, and vice versa. Unfortunately Graphic Styles are not exposed yet in Scriptographer.

08.08.14, 15:24
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