How to add existing scripts?
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How to add existing scripts?
From:  Filip Pomykalo
Date:  28. February 2012, 15:37

Dear Scriptographer team,

I am trying to use an existing script I have downloaded which calculates the area of the object ( and I put the .js file in the Scriptographer Scripts folder but it doesn't work, instead it says this:

“TypeError: Cannot read property "length" from undefined
at Scriptographer Scripts/JET_GetArea.js:1”

Could you please take a look at it and tell me how to fix the problem. This is the code of the script.

if ( app.documents.length > 0 && app.activeDocument.selection.length > 0 ) {
var docRef=app.activeDocument;
var pathRef=docRef.selection[0];
var pathRefArea=pathRef.area;

alert ("Square Points: "+Math.round(pathRefArea*100)/100+"\n"
+"Square Picas: "+(Math.round((pathRefArea/144)*100))/100+"\n"
+"Square Inches: "+(Math.round((pathRefArea/5184)*100))/100+"\n"
+"Square Millimeters: "+(Math.round((pathRefArea/8.037)*100))/100+"\n"
+"Square Centimeters: "+(Math.round((pathRefArea/803.520)*100))/100);

Thank you in advance, kind regards,
Filip Pomykalo

Re: How to add existing scripts?
Date:  28. February 2012, 16:38

That script is intended for the ESTK which is not compatible with Scriptographer. Although what you're after is rather easy to do with Scriptographer. Try this out instead:

var selectedItems = document.selectedItems

for(i = 0; i < selectedItems.length; i++){
	var a = selectedItems[i].area
	print('Object ' + (i + 1))
	print('Square Points: ' + (Math.round(a * 100) / 100))
	print('Square Picas: ' + (Math.round((a / 144) * 100) / 100))
	print('Square Inches: ' + (Math.round((a / 5184) * 100) / 100))
	print('Square Millimeters: ' + (Math.round((a / 8.037) * 100) / 100))
	print('Square Centimeters: ' + (Math.round((a / 803.520) * 100)) / 100 + 'n')

Good luck!

Re: How to add existing scripts?
From:  Filip Pomykalo
Date:  28. February 2012, 17:08

Thank you very much Håkan, it works perfectly! =)

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