No plugin folder
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No plugin folder
From:  Matej
Date:  3. December 2010, 14:42

Hi. I had my old CS3 and now I instaled CS5 to my pc. But in Illustraror CS5 I have no plug-ins folder. Any idea how to figure it out?

Re: No plugin folder
From:  doeke wartena
Date:  13. December 2010, 20:09

CS5 uses plug ins by default so i think you have just problems locating it.
Maybe you can try a search for the plug in folder?
I don't have a pc else i would have told my location.

Re: No plugin folder
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  14. December 2010, 23:05

What language is your system in? I think the sub-folders inside Illustrator are localized. For example in French it's called Modules instead of Plug-ins.

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Abstract Foliage 18.08.08