Save settings into a file
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Save settings into a file
From:  Otto Climan
Date:  5. August 2012, 10:33

Hi, in witch way can I save some settings infos of my script?

Re: Save settings into a file
Date:  7. August 2012, 09:35

Hey Otto,

I think you can store settings into the script itself, using


where xxxx is the name of the entry.

For example, to store and reuse a value "steps" (which can be altered by the user via dialog), try something like this:

var steps = 10;
if (script.preferences.stprefs) steps = script.preferences.stprefs;
var values = { iteration: steps, ... };
var components = { iteration: { type: number, label: 'count' }, ... };
values = Dialog.prompt('MyScript', components, values);
if (values) {
script preferences.stprefs = values.iteration;


Re: Save settings into a file
Date:  7. August 2012, 21:30

I'd like a clue as to where this is stored so I can move it between machines - or generate it.

Re: Save settings into a file
From:  pqbd
Date:  17. August 2012, 00:43

You can use the or the properties to save a piece of data natively in an illustrator file.

Re: Save settings into a file
Date:  19. August 2012, 13:14

thanks pqbd ... that's useful to know.

My question above was about where 'script.preferences' is stored - being passed between multiple illustrator files.
I have not been able to track it down in the Windows registry or any of the common folders ( I looked at all files created 'today' for instance).

Re: Save settings into a file
From:  pqbd
Date:  22. August 2012, 22:45

I'm not sure about Windows, but on a mac it's stored in:

The file is only read/written when Illustrator opens/closes, respectively.

Re: Save settings into a file
Date:  23. August 2012, 19:24

OK - solved for Windows.
For each script it's in Registry with key =
HKEY_USERS\<userkey>\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\scriptographer\preferences\scripts\/Scriptographer /Scripts\<foldername>\<scriptname>

No idea why it didnt show up in a previous regedit search:-(
Will need a bit of a nasty script to extract that for porting to another machine.

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Script of the Moment
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