Uneven distribution in curves...
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Uneven distribution in curvesToPoints
From:  Andre
Date:  13. February 2009, 18:43

Hi all,

i was wondering if there's another posibility to distribute points along a path than with curvesToPoints.

The problem is that when i use art.curvesToPoints(dist,10000); i get a very uneven distribution of the points, as seen here:

Thanks !

Re: Uneven distribution in curvesToPoints
From:  Hiroyuki Sato
Date:  17. February 2009, 15:56

Indeed. Maybe that function does not fit for that purpose.

Curve.getParmeterWithLength() brings a better result.
Though it requires a bit complicated process.

Here's a sample code as attachment.
(I think there must be cleaner codes)

Re: Uneven distribution in curvesToPoints
From:  Andre
Date:  23. February 2009, 13:26

thank you so much! your script works exactly the way i was looking for.
i also checked your website -- awesome stuff.
how did you learn it? i can program, but till now i didn't find the functions of SG and illustrator so well documented. is there any good reference that i maybe have overlooked?

thanks again & a nice day

Re: Uneven distribution in curvesToPoints
Date:  23. February 2009, 14:19

We'll be working on the improving the documentation and creating tutorials during the coming year, please stay tuned!

Re: Uneven distribution in curvesToPoints
From:  Hiroyuki Sato
Date:  24. February 2009, 13:08

AI SDK's document can be a good reference of Sg's functions.
However, to understand some of functions for bezier curve
that Sg (AI SDK) has, it's unavoidable to face
the math definition of the bezier curve.
I learned about it by reading various websites of math.
It was a process with confusion and annoyance,
and it'll be same for most of Sg users -- who intend to
design, not to study math.

I think there should be an intuitive tutorial for
scripting bezier curve.
I'm considering to write it.

Re: Uneven distribution in curvesToPoints
From:  Andre
Date:  27. February 2009, 04:22

Hiroyuki & Jonathan,

thanks for the replys, i'll also try that i get better with it so i can contribute as soon as i can something. cheers guys!

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