Some General Simple Ideas
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Some General Simple Ideas
From:  Ben Gregory
Date:  24. April 2013, 13:00

Unfortunately I haven't learnt how to create my own scripts, but I've had a simple idea for some a script that I thought of while playing with Scriptographer and during my work.

Fill/Stroke Swap

A quick script to swap an objects, or series of objects various fill colours to the respective objects stroke colour or vise versa.

For example, if I have a large amount of vector objects that all have different fill colours, I might want to take each individual fill colour and change it to the objects stroke colour, leaving the fill transparent. Obviously if I have hundreds of objects that I'd want to do this too, it'd take forever to do by hand.


Re: Some General Simple Ideas
Date:  25. April 2013, 13:23

Hi Ben,

This wouldn't be any problems. I'll write it for you as soon as I get any time off. Maybe tonight, even...

Re: Some General Simple Ideas
From:  Ben Gregory
Date:  25. April 2013, 13:52


You've made me a very happy man, thanks very much!

Looking forward to it.


Re: Some General Simple Ideas
Date:  25. April 2013, 21:01

Hi Ben,

here you go.

Hope that helps!

Re: Some General Simple Ideas
From:  Ben Gregory
Date:  26. April 2013, 11:47

Håkan, that's perfect!

I don't know how to thank you enough, you've helped my workflow become a lot more efficient.

Cheers mate, have a good weekend! I'll probably be playing with the script


Re: Some General Simple Ideas
Date:  17. August 2015, 12:00

When i was searching the topic found it, organised and informative.
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