Scriptographer is alive, CS4...
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Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  30. November 2008, 13:44

Since this question was raised twice on the forum now, here a post to inform everyone that things are moving on. CS4 support is on its way. The last release of Scriptographer is a long while back, and a bit buggy in many ways. In the meantime many of these bugs were fixed and many features added. We also changed the API in parts and therefore broke backward compatibility with existing scripts. The scripts will be easy enough to update, and the syntax got easier in many places.

It all ended up becoming a far longer transition than initially planed. The challenge now is to wrap this unfinished transition up a bit for a CS4 release soon, then finish the pending changes, and not mess everything up.

A preview version will be offered along with the current version, for backward compatibility until the transition to the new API is over.

Stay tuned and help out where you can.

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Tommy Brix
Date:  16. April 2009, 10:21

its finished?!?!

need it....urgent!!!

tommy brix

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Simon
Date:  17. April 2009, 02:11

As others have said, the CS3 version works fine for me in CS4 / Vista. The only issue I had was that I first had to manually create a blank error.log file in the /java/ folder while CS4 was closed. Once that was there, restarted CS4 and everything worked. error.log wasn't written to, it just needed to be there, it seems. Haven't tested all the scripts yet, but the ones I have tried have all been good.

Great work Lehni, and thanks!

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  17. April 2009, 14:08

Apologies for the silence. And here finally an update about the situation:

The release of CS4 is hold back by mainly one issue that I currently try to resolve with support by Adobe. It is really very close.

Another reason why I am still waiting is that in the meantime quite a few things in the Scriptographer API were changed, and in order for older scripts to work, they need to be updated. Together with Jonathan Puckey we are working on this transition, so a new release won't break everything.

I think we should release soon so the people waiting are pleased, and then repair scripts after as we find out about the ones that don't work properly anymore.

Also, your own unpublished scripts will possibly be affected by the chances, so we will collect changes in a document and help the transition. It shouldn't be too crazy.

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  drgs2
Date:  19. April 2009, 16:22

CS3 version works fine in CS4

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  TJ ODonnell
Date:  4. June 2009, 22:05

I have managed to use the current version in cs4 (on a mac intel). The only issues thus far is when illustrator quits, it registers an error- "adobe illustrator quite unexpectedly" etc..

This is the most amazing plugin i have ever used—i have to pinch myself to make sure I am not dreaming when I see the results.! Thanks so much for developing it!

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
Date:  11. June 2009, 00:29

this is getting kinda tired.

Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
Date: 30. November 2008, 13:44

Yeah it's like 7 months later and still nothing..

I'd be happy to support by paying for the plugin.

Oh well...

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Tiago
Date:  17. June 2009, 12:17

Please come up with something new...
The latest news are from NOVEMBER 2008.
Whats the matter???

This is an amaazing plugin and needs to be updated ASAP.

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  17. June 2009, 12:59

The matter is that we're not just updating to CS4, we're also rolling out a lot of new features and improvements, and we want to do it right. Things are looking good for a release within this month, so please stay tuned.

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
Date:  18. June 2009, 01:00

Keep on working, we'll be there waiting :)

Re: Scriptographer is alive, CS4 support on the way
Date:  19. June 2009, 01:11

Thanks Lehni. All I needed to hear is that this was still a life..

I'll be checking daily.. Thanks again..

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