Extends TextItem
An AreaText item represents a path in an Illustrator document which has text running within it's area. It uses the boundaries of the path to control the flow of characters, either horizontally or vertically. When the text reaches a boundary, it automatically wraps to fit inside the area defined by the path.
Rows and Columns
- Item
- name
- position
- style
- selected
- fullySelected
- locked
- visible
- clipMask
- targeted
- blendMode
- opacity
- isolated
- knockout
- alphaIsShape
- data
- document
- layer
- parent
- children
- firstChild
- lastChild
- nextSibling
- previousSibling
- index
- bounds
- strokeBounds
- controlBounds
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- strokeCap
- strokeJoin
- dashOffset
- dashArray
- miterLimit
- strokeOverprint
- fillColor
- fillOverprint
- windingRule
- resolution
- rasterize(items[, type[, resolution, antialiasing[, width, height]]])
- remove()
- removeChildren()
- copyTo(document)
- copyTo(item)
- clone()
- getKnockout(inherited)
- reverseChildren()
- hitTest(point[, request[, tolerance]])
- hitTest(point, tolerance)
- expand([flags[, steps]])
- rasterize([type[, resolution[, antialiasing[, width, height]]]])
- hasChildren()
- isEditable()
- isValid()
- appendTop(item)
- appendBottom(item)
- moveAbove(item)
- moveBelow(item)
- isAbove(item)
- isBelow(item)
- isParent(item)
- isChild(item)
- isDescendant(item)
- isAncestor(item)
- isGroupedWith(item)
- scale(sx, sy[, center])
- scale(scale[, center])
- translate(t)
- rotate(angle[, center])
- shear(shx, shy)
- transform(matrix[, flags])