Extends Item
Inherited by PointText, PathText, AreaText
The TextItem type allows you to access and modify the text items in Illustrator documents. Its functionality is inherited by different text item types such as PointText, PathText and AreaText. They each add a layer of functionality that is unique to their type, but share the underlying properties and functions that they inherit from TextItem.
Range Properties
Sub Ranges
Style Properties
Text Item Linking
- Item
- name
- position
- style
- selected
- fullySelected
- locked
- visible
- clipMask
- targeted
- blendMode
- opacity
- isolated
- knockout
- alphaIsShape
- data
- document
- layer
- parent
- children
- firstChild
- lastChild
- nextSibling
- previousSibling
- index
- bounds
- strokeBounds
- controlBounds
- strokeColor
- strokeWidth
- strokeCap
- strokeJoin
- dashOffset
- dashArray
- miterLimit
- strokeOverprint
- fillColor
- fillOverprint
- windingRule
- resolution
- rasterize(items[, type[, resolution, antialiasing[, width, height]]])
- remove()
- removeChildren()
- copyTo(document)
- copyTo(item)
- clone()
- getKnockout(inherited)
- reverseChildren()
- hitTest(point[, request[, tolerance]])
- hitTest(point, tolerance)
- expand([flags[, steps]])
- rasterize([type[, resolution[, antialiasing[, width, height]]]])
- hasChildren()
- isEditable()
- isValid()
- appendTop(item)
- appendBottom(item)
- moveAbove(item)
- moveBelow(item)
- isAbove(item)
- isBelow(item)
- isParent(item)
- isChild(item)
- isDescendant(item)
- isAncestor(item)
- isGroupedWith(item)
- scale(sx, sy[, center])
- scale(scale[, center])
- translate(t)
- rotate(angle[, center])
- shear(shx, shy)
- transform(matrix[, flags])