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Creator:  Keegan Green
Date:  24. August 2007, 11:06

This script draws lines from points at a set distance around a shape to random points on the same path. The end result is a bit like a spider web.

The script "spider" for nodebox is the inspiration, and I borrowed heavily from wallblazer 2.0.

Works on compound paths and groups of shapes like outlined text.

Compatible with scriptographer 2.0.025.

Let me know if you have any advice for improving this script,



From:  Jürg Lehni
Date:  6. September 2007, 14:00

Hi Keegan,

This is great, thanks! I just had a look at your code and so far it looks clean.

One (comsetical) suggestion is to use .point1 instead of .getPoint1(), .length instead of .getLength(), etc, since these Java getters and setters are only there to produce these bean properties.

Re: Great!
From:  w1sh
Date:  25. June 2008, 21:04

This is awesome and hasn't bugged out yet.

I like making simple shapes, spiderwebbing them, then warping them to create pictures.
IE: Make a rectangle (wider), spiderweb it, smudge warp and push the sides and top in a little. Keep doing it until you have a butterfly.

Ish so purdy. ^_^

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