I need a script for Illustrator
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I need a script for Illustrator
From:  Sebastien
Date:  23. October 2012, 09:28


I'm sorry I don't know anything about JS or scripting for Illustrator, and I am looking for a freelance script developer.
I am a jeweler and use Illustrator to do vector monograms and enter essential information, but it's taking me a lot of time so I'm trying to see if a programmer could create a script that would help me streamline the process and avoid mistakes.
Can Scriptographer (or a developer using Scriptographer) create a script that would have the following functions:

  • I would enter the details in a form (letters, size, etc)
  • The script would then take 2 vectors from folders folders, align, center and re-size them.

If this is something that is possible, and if you could create such a script, please let me know and I'll explain in more detail.

I thank you in advance for your kind advice,

Re: I need a script for Illustrator
From:  pqbd
Date:  24. October 2012, 01:58

Yes, it is possible. Can you describe your workflow in more detail?

Re: I need a script for Illustrator
From:  Sebastien
Date:  24. October 2012, 11:16

Hello and thank you for your reply,

The monograms I make are combinations of 3 letters, so that makes 26 x 26 x 26 possible combinations.
I am in process of making 26 x 26 vectors of already combinated letters (26 first and middle and 26 middle and last), which I have cut at the center, so that by combining those I can create any letter combination.
For example I can create the combination for aBc by making vectical and horizontal align center of the vectors I made for aB and Bc.
I attached an image for example.

So I would like a script that would like like a form where I would enter details (size, letters - such as ABC, color, etc) and the script would create the monogram by taking, aligning and resizing 2 vectors, and place it on the artboard along with the other information.

Is this possible?

Thanks in advance.

Re: I need a script for Illustrator
From:  pqbd
Date:  26. October 2012, 00:45


Sure, it's possible. If you want me to take a crack at it, email me at:

08.08.14, 15:24
15.05.14, 14:23
02.03.14, 19:16
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22.03.13, 03:05
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25.11.15, 08:19
Script of the Moment
Newton Curve 08.09.11