Problems with writing scripts
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Problems with writing scripts
From:  Anita Potter
Date:  31. March 2011, 00:58

Hello. Loving Scriptographer so far just have an issue. I was going through the tutorials on basic script writing but noticed that eventhough I type them in verbatum they don't execute and there's a syntax error. The one on cloning circles throws an error:

ReferenceError: "circle" is not defined.
at Scriptographer Scripts\bTests\CloningCircles.js:7

That line has this code.

clonedPath.rotate(angle * i, circle.bounds.topLeft);

I'm using the latest version of Scriptographer and Illustrator CS.

Not sure what's going on unless the syntax in the tutorial wasn't for the latest version.

Thanks in advance,


Re: Problems with writing scripts
From:  Anita Potter
Date:  31. March 2011, 07:04

I figured it out. The tutorial was missing this part in the line I showed above.

This is how it should read

clonedPath.rotate(angle * i, circlePath.bounds.topLeft);

Wonder why I couldn't see that earlier?

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