Testing image area for colour...
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Testing image area for colour without drawing a shape
From:  Richard Holt
Date:  5. July 2011, 18:24

Hi guys

I know how to test an image area for average colour, by using a drawn shape's surface area, but is it possible to specify an area to test WITHOUT drawing a shape?

I will be testing lots of areas of an image and I don't want to create a huge amount of vectors, I only want to draw a shape where the average colour values are within a certain range of 'grayness'. I don;t want to create shapes, for the sake of testing, then delete them etc.

Is this possible?

How can I sample the average colour of an area of the image without drawing a new vector...?


Re: Testing image area for colour without drawing a shape
Date:  5. July 2011, 21:29

Although I'm not able to try it out just now I guess that, at least according to the section about averaging color in the tutorials page;

Scriptographer allows you to find the average color of an area within a raster. This allows you to find the average color within a rectangle, point or path over the image.

(NOTE! A rectangle object is NOT a vector path object).
So, the rectangle seem to be the one you are looking for. I hope you get it working!

Good luck
/ Håkan

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