Scriptographer offers several ways to create new paths out of two overlapping paths.
path.intersect(path) returns a new path, the shape of which is the intersection of the two paths:

var square = new Path.Rectangle([0, 0], [50, 50]); var circle = new Path.Circle(square.bounds.bottomRight, 25); // Ihe intersection of the paths: var intersection = square.intersect(circle); // Move the resulting path 100pt to the right: intersection.position += [100, 0];
path.unite(path) returns a new path, the shape of which is the union of the two paths:

var square = new Path.Rectangle([0, 0], [50, 50]); var circle = new Path.Circle(square.bounds.bottomRight, 25); // Ihe union of the paths: var union = square.unite(circle); // Move the resulting path 100pt to the right: union.position += [100, 0];
path.exclude(path) returns a new path, the shape of which is the exclusion of the path passed to the exclude function from the path that the exclude function is called on:

var square = new Path.Rectangle([0, 0], [50, 50]); var circle = new Path.Circle(square.bounds.bottomRight, 25); // Ihe exclusion of the paths: var exclusion = square.exclude(circle); // Move the resulting path 100pt to the right: exclusion.position += [100, 0];