Creating Text Items
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Scriptographer offers full control over Illustrator's typographic options. You can create text items, modify text ranges within text items and style typography.

Illustrator has three different kinds of Text Items: PointText, AreaText and PathText.

Point Text

The PointText item starts from a point and extends horizontally (or optionally vertically) depending on the amount of text in it.

var position = new Point(50, 50);
var textItem = new PointText(position);
textItem.content = 'This is the contents of the text item.';

To make the text of the text item run vertically, you can set its textItem.orientation property to vertical:

textItem.orientation = 'vertical';

Area Text

The PathText has text running within the shape of a path. This allows you to create blocks of text in any shape, but is used most often with rectangles.

The following example creates an Area Text item by passing a rectangle to the new AreaText(rectangle) constructor:

var topLeft = new Point(50, 100); 
var size = new Size(100, 50); 
var rectangle = new Rectangle(topLeft, size); 
var textItem = new AreaText(rectangle); 
textItem.content = 'This text runs within the shape of the path.';

You can also pass a path to the new AreaText(path) constructor:

var position = new Point(100, 100);
var path = new Path.Circle(position, 50);
var textItem = new AreaText(path); 
textItem.content = 'This text runs within the shape of the path.';

Path Text

The PathText has text running along it's path.

var position = new Point(100, 100);
var path = new Path.Circle(position, 25);

var textItem = new PathText(path);
textItem.content = 'This text runs along the path.';